Low Energy Player (Full)


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The energy efficient media player.Let's save battery time!**Fully compatible with VLC beta**Plays pretty much all formats
**How much more energy efficient?**Recorded energy savings between 30% and 50% depending on device and video.++57% savings on Exynos 5410 platform (Galaxy S4) +30% on Exynos 4412 (Galaxy SIII)
+Modern quad-core mobile CPU recommended.++big.LITTLE octa-core CPU highly recommended.ARM device required
**Why energy efficient?**For root users LE Player overrides the CPU frequency governors and controls the CPU frequency directly based on video type and hardware platform.For non-root users LE Player manipulates the CPU load in order to let the frequency governor work more efficiently
**Do I need root?**Devices with root access unlocks full energy savings because of direct CPU control.Devices without root access use only CPU load manipulation. This might limit the energy savings compared to rooted devices.
**Recommeded to disable notifications in application (use for example SuperSU)**
**Quality-of-Service Control**For better performance and more energy savings, hand tune the QoS in the preferences menu.Slower devices probably need a higher performance setting on high definition videos
**Will it affect other applications?**No. LE Player relieves controls to the normal CPU governor when not in use.
**Can you tell me more about the green technology?**The energy savings are obtained by bypassing the CPU frequency governor and instead use QoS monitoring in the application. The clock speed is then adapted to the video and the hardware capabilities.This allows the CPU to execute only as_fast_as_needed.For more information please check our Geeky references below:
Stay tuned for updates!
**Geeky References**Performance Monitor Based Power Management for big.LITTLE Platforms (Presented at HiPEAC 2015)https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5260559/EECHO.pdf
Energy Efficiency and Performance Management of Parallel Dataflow Applications (Best paper at DASIP 2014)http://tucs.fi/publications/view/?pub_id=inpHoNoPeLaLi14a
Technical report on energy efficient multi-coreshttp://tucs.fi/publications/view/?pub_id=tHoHxLuLaLi14a
PhD thesis on energy efficient software 2016http://www.doria.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/117761/holmbacka_simon.pdf?sequence=2
link to git repositoryhttps://leche.abo.fi:8443/gitblit/summary/~sholmbac%2FBricktop_source_VLC.githttps://leche.abo.fi:8443/gitblit/summary/~sholmbac%2FVLC_source.git
**Interested in making other applications green?**The power saving technology can be used in most software projects from servers to desktops to mobiles.Please email me if you have questions or suggestions!Feedback is welcome!